

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

So excited about my IsaLife!!

So I started my daughter on the cleanse and shakes, after the first day she had lost 2 3/4 inches off her waist. To tell you why I think this happened is because, first of all Makinlee and I suffer from bowel issues. We have to take magnesium everyday to keep us going regularly. We were both on it when we started the IsaLean shakes and cleanse. I think it was from the cleanse finally going in there and cleaning out all the toxins in her fat and releasing them. This cleanse is an all over body cleanse that cleans out the toxins from your fat and flushes them out, but not through your bowels! It's not a cleanse that causes diarrhea like most other cleanses a the Health Food stores.

Needless to say I was floored the next morning that her bloat and stomach had shrunk! She was feeling on top of the world, her pants are getting too big now so the added need of support from a belt has been a welcomed thing for her. I have since lost inches, not weight which I have stayed consistently at 115 now for 3 days. I felt pretty sick the first day of taking this stuff, I think it was all the detoxing that was going on in my body from this stuff. I have felt amazing since then I have so much energy!

Even the biggest skeptics in my life, saw the difference it made in my Makinlee and now they are trying it out as well!

Results speak volumes to people and I want to help as many as I can!

Email me at for more info and how to get some for you!

Check it out here!

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My IsaLife!