
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week 1

This first week has been a challenge! I have cut out carbs, soda, sugar & white flour. I have been working out for an hour a day, except for Saturday and Sunday. It was my birthday this last week so sticking to this plan has been a struggle! I have given myself one cheat meal a week so I can stick to the plan. My recovery protein shakes after my workouts seem to also help with my sweet cravings ! Hopefully this continues to get easier each week!

The first two days were killer trying to get off the pop . I had a huge migraine but after about the middle of the second day it started to subside . If your thinking of following a program, stick with it! I am feeling awesome now, and still going strong!

I am still doing my weight lifting techniques and already seeing some changes on the scale!

I will be posting pictures after my first week on Wednesday so check back soon!

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