
Friday, September 27, 2013

3 Rules to live by!

There are 3 rules I live by when trying to lose weight:
1- Cut pop and sugar out of your diet! Slowly if you can't quit cold turkey.
2- Eat whole grains only, no white flour, and eat it before 2pm!
3- DON'T eat after 6pm! Everything you eat after 6 doesn't have time to burn off before your body slows down for bed, so it turns to fat.
Try just changing these few things as you can and you will see a big difference on the scale!
Watch your body and see how it responds, you know you best! I also recommend a cleanse. Your body can store like up to 8-10 lbs of crap! Literally!
The cleanse I use and love it called Cleanse For Life, check it out here!
I have to cleanse once a month, and it helps keep my weight down, so try it, see your results and let me know!
Give it a try, you ain't got nothing to lose but POUNDS!

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