
My Story

This was me...........

post baby #4, 2006..............

 I got divorced in 2009, and went from 160 to 135 in about a month, i was eating better and not as much, I was happy again and going to school. I decided I needed to take over my life again! Each picture takes you on my journey. I was 18 when I had my first baby, I went from 105 to 195 when i delivered. My body was so stretched out I thought i would never get it back. Especially dealing with depression from a bad marriage, bad eating habits and overwhelmed from kids at a young age.

These photos are of me post baby #5 after my second marriage. I only gained a total of 23 lbs this pregnancy, but it was still a struggle to get it off. I decided to join a gym with my good friend and neighbor and I started working hard!

 These were taken after about the first year of gym training.
Me and my Love in Hawaii!

Nothing helps weight loss like being happy with                                                                                          your best friend and Love of your life!!

 And your family!

Finally after 2 years of going to the gym, trying new weight lifting training with my dad and eating clean I am finally to where I want to be, to start toning my body! I want to be able to one day walk on stage in a fitness competition, be confident and sexy, and be able to hold my head up so high for the accomplishment I have made! I am so grateful for my dad who has trained me, and my loving husband who supports me, loves me and encourages me to be better everyday! This is just the beginning of my new journey to fulfill another part of my life! If I can do it, you can do it!

This is me now......January 9th 2014!

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