

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Week 10 Results!

Time is flying by! I can't believe I have been doing this 10 weeks already! Time flies when your having so much fun! I love that I get to workout, eat very healthy and do it all for a living!!! I have worked hard but I am going to really push myself after Thanksgiving. I want a lot more definition without looking like a man! I love my IsaLife!

If you want to join me on your weight loss journey and have me there to help you along the way contact me and I would love to help you out!!! I want to share what i have with everyone!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Trying out a new Gym!

I have been going to a friend of mines gym in Syracuse for the last week. It is called GPP Fitness and it is a very different idea and technique. Definantely more cardio than I am used to but its fun and a good workout!

Tonight I finished all 3 rounds with 12.5 lb dumbells. Three different kinds of lunges with weights and 3 sets of 150 jump ropes.

Hopefully this all helps with my IsaBody Challenge!!!

Motivational Monday!

You have to be willing to make that C.H.A.N.G.E (Choosing Happiness And Never Giving Excuses) and exercise true F.A.I.T.H (Finding Answers In The Heart) along with H.O.P.E (Having Only Positive Expectations) to make that P.U.S.H (Persistent Until Something Happens)....sometimes it's okay to be with the right kind of C.U.L.T. (Creating Unique Lives Together) because they can help you eliminate the phrase I C.A.N.T. (I Certainly Am Not Trying) from your vocabulary ~ Unknown

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Drop What You're Doing And Watch This Video!

People have been anxiously awaiting this,
because it's the single most powerful
social marketing explosion ever created.
Imagine in just a few clicks of the mouse
getting paid for people who want to naturally slow down the aging process.
After three years of extensive planning
and testing, and only a few lucky people
have been allowed to use this system.
Now it's your turn!
To your success,
Mary Greenhalgh

Thursday, November 21, 2013

GPP Fitness workout!

Love the technique and idea of this place! The workouts are fast and killer! Hit the core today and super excited about what's on for Saturday! Super excited to possibly have them as business partners in isagenix also! Love this industry and working while having fun and meeting new people!

New Shake Flavor!

On top of our Amazing other flavors, Our Company has come out with this new shake flavor called Black Sesame!

Black Sesame IsaLean Shake reminds me a bit of a nutty light coffee drink with a light sweetness. Same amazing health benefits (as the other IsaLean Shake flavors): it’s a meal replacement and features the same protein! 
- Lori H.

I want to try this new flavor! 

Check it out here and see what you think!

These Shakes are amazing! Want more Energy? Want to feel Better? Want great Taste!

9 Week Results!

I can not believe how fast 9 weeks has flown by! Wow! I am going to be joining GPP Fitness to try and accelerate my body transformation. After my workout on Monday, I can definitely see the benefits of their techniques. I am super excited to see what happens from now till February 4th!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Killer Workout!

I went to try this new gym in Syracuse called GPP Fitness. I wasn't sure about it since it was a very different structure and concept. I was originally going to promote Isagenix to them. After my sister backed out on me at the last minute, I wasn't going to go either but felt like I needed to. After talking about it for a while I decided to still go try it out. IT WAS AMAZING! I had an awesome time and was able to push myself as I went. It was a 50 minute program and I finished just one 35 minutes. I was proud of myself! It was kind of like circuit training and crossfit. It was neat and my body is sore in places I haven't been yet! Super excited to see what this place does for my body during this IsaBody Challenge!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Abs day!

It was snowing, so we didn't want to drive to the gym. So we did abs at home yesterday!

Friday, November 15, 2013

First Speaking Engagement!

Last Thursday I was asked to speak to our group in Isagenix about my weight loss story and fitness regime. I was mortified but I did it! I cried for about 25 minutes, I was all choked up! IT has never hit me like it did last night. Could have been a little of the nerves too. It definitely was a growing moment for me. It helped me get out of my comfort zone a bit.

I got to speak with my sister and she was amazing! I'm glad I made her go first though. She inspired a lot of people, including me!

Not until today, did I realize I touched so many people with my story. I have had so many friend requests and comments made to me today about how I inspired them! It has definitely been a humbling experience and I am so blessed. I love my IsaFamily and the support they all give each other. It is unreal!

This has been something I wanted to accomplish but never thought I would. So grateful today for everything in my life. My family, my friends, my home, my Saviour and my Isagenix! So much more to be grateful for I couldn't write it all down. Maybe one day I will.

I know this will open up new, bigger doors for me and I hope to continue to inspire more people around the world!

Me speaking for the FIRST TIME EVER!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week 8 Results!

Here are my 8 week results! I ahve to actually post these photos on my 1 month update with the IsaBody Challenge. I finally was able to up my arm weights today again and I love when that happens! 

Finding my "WHY"

Over the past 8 weeks I have done pretty good with my exercise and lifting. Being a mom certainly puts a spoke in my time to go to the gym but I have been as consistent as possible. I feel I I have given it my all so far.

Last week at our Thursday night meeting for Isagenix, I was asked my very well known up line coach, my sister and I would speak to her group about our weight loss journey and exercise next Thursday (being tonight). I was completely mortified! I do not speak in front of people, I'm very shy and that is way out of my comfort zone. Of course we said yes but this has been on my mind ever since.

I started thinking about what my "why" was for how I got into fitness and healthy living. I never understood the power of your "why" until I started thinking back to when it really changed for me.

It was back in High School. My Senior year I got pregnant by my boyfriend I was dating pretty heavily at the time. A lot of wrong choices that got me to where I was a few years ago. I struggled with being in high school and pregnant. All the staring, and whispering, and questions I got was a lot for a girl in high school to handle. I got married to my boyfriend and my daughters father the spring of my Senior year. With all the stress of being pregnant and married now and in school took its toll on me. Shortly after I graduated my husband at the time became very abusive verbally and emotionally. He would leave me alone with newborn while he went out all night with his friends because he said it was my fault he doesn't get to be a teenager anymore. Being raised by a strong mother, I just took on the role as a single mom basically raising my children. At this point in my life I had gained 90 lbs. I was 105 in high school and after my first baby I weighed close 190.

As the years went on we had 3 more children. With each child the abuse was growing stronger and getting more and more physical. I was naive and thought if we had more children he would love me more. Not the case! With all the put downs and comments and never being home, never helping, never allowing me to see my family or friends without recourse later was taking its toll on my body. After my third child, things to a turn for the worst. Our finances were being strained by my husbands activities outside the home to a point where we were losing our home. I would beg him for money to buy coats and clothes and food for my kids, yet he refused. This was about the time I was introduced to Isagenix the first time by a good friend of mine. Back then it didn't taste so good. They only had a 9 day cleanse and it tasted like dirt. I had been on just about every diet out there to try to gain some confidence back. Since about the third year of marriage to this man, I had always been looking for ways to empower myself. With all his negativity, I wanted to free myself more or less from his control. I had taught myself how to build websites, network, become affiliated with companies online to make money, started 2 online companies and joined every network marketing company just to try to have some support somewhere more than anything. I didn't have confidence in myself while I was with him to have a good go at anything I was doing.

I was kicked out of my house by him 2 weeks before Christmas and I was pregnant with out fourth child. He took all our access to money, broke my computer, changed all the locks on me so I couldn't get anything out of my house for my children and he left on a fishing trip with his friends. At this point in my life I was pushing 195. We had Christmas with my sister that year and her ward donated so much to me and my kids. I moved in with my parents for a few months and they were trying to help me get on my feet.

In March of the following year, I was due to have my 4th child. Magically my husband appears and says he wants to be a family and take me home. I fell for it. For another 6 months I fell for his lies and deceit. This time moving me even farther away from my family. It didn't last long. After 7 months of him going back to the same stuff he was doing before I finally decided to leave for good. At the time I was struggling to do weight watchers and watching what we eat. But with a 280 lb 6'3" husband who loved fast food and controlled our money,  it was very difficult to diet. When I finally did decide to leave for good I was down to about 155lbs.

I immediately went and filed for divorce and moved out of there. My family came and moved me out in one day. I moved back in with my mom and dad. After a lot of talking with my mom and sister and friends I started to get some self confidence back. After being told "nobody would ever want me, a fat single mom of 4 kids," that was my WHY! I was empowered by that. I dropped about 30 lbs in 2 months from eating better and without all the stress and depression I was going through. After having to deal with him about our children and him seeing me losing weight he was all for taking me back again. He was pretty creepy to be around. I was looking good and I had confidence and I don't think he liked it.

I met my new husband about 2 months after I got divorced and we dated a bit. He was wonderful! I finally knew what it felt like to be treated right. I had prayed every night for a specific type of man I wanted to meet for my kids. When I met him is was surreal. He was everything had asked for! My new husband had had troubles getting pregnant with his first wife and never was able to have a child of his own. After i had lost all this weight he asked me if i would ever have another baby. I told him no, but my mom said it wouldn't be fair to marry him if that whats he wanted and I didn't give him one. We got married in November of 2009 and got pregnant the following January. I was terrified I was going to gain all that weight back so I tried to be good with my eating. My entire pregnancy I only gained 23 lbs.  I was stoked!

After my 5th child, my skin wasn't bouncing back like it had and the weight wasn't coming off. A friend of mine had me go to her gym with her and try it out. I loved it. We started going to the gym religiously for a year and half. But guess what? I had gone back to bad habits of eating fast food after the gym. I was drinking 1-2 32oz diet cokes a day. My body just wasn't changing! My dad is a strength coach and had trained my sister and she had amazing results. I finally asked my dad to train me. I wanted to lose, I wanted to tone and I wanted to look good at the pool. So my dad took me under his wing and for 3 months trained me on weight lifting. I started seeing results, the people at the gym started seeing results, but my pant size wasn't changing!

I started working at Lady Fitness and I met my good friend Taylor. She reintroduced me to Isagenix and I flat out told her no! I had done it once before, it was gross and it didn't work. (I hadn't actually taken more than a sip before throwing it away) She started bringing me things to try at work and practicing the comp plan on me when it was slow. I finally decided, what the heck, I want to try to get passed my 7/8 pant size. After being on the products for 3 weeks I had dropped from a size 7/8 to a size 2! I was stoked.

About the same time I started Isagenix, I started this blog for my fitness stuff with my dad. I had revised it so many times. I finally know now why I started it. It was my "WHY". I wanted to be better than I was yesterday. I wanted to inspire people struggling like I had, and to be proud of me. I wanted my kids and my husband to look up to me for sticking to something! My blog was the perfect outlet to keep me motivated and accountable and share my story with other people. I have turned my fitness blog into my IsaBody Challenge and Isagenix blog which has brought me in front of people I don't even know, asking me what i do. I am so grateful for the words my ex husband said to me, to give me my first "Why". And I'm so grateful that Isagenix has helped me with my 2nd "Why"! It's helping others feel good about themselves. To be positive and aspire to higher things, no matter their circumstances. To be a part of wonderful friendships and Community we have in Isagenix. I want my family to have a better quality of life financially, and physically!

The exercise and Isagenix together have been such a blessing to me in more ways than weight loss and my physical appearance. It has given me a different experience in meeting new people, feeling a part of something bigger than myself, and wanting to become a better person than I was yesterday!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Isagenix Event!

I had the privilege of going with some of my team last night, to hear some amazing people speak on how to use Isagenix right, by and for athletes! It was so neat to hear the power of what's in these awesome products that everyone needs who eats, breathes and drinks water! It's just straight, pure, high grade nutrition unlike anything I have ever seen! Jim Rhodes and Jill Birth are truly amazing people and I'm so glad I get to surround my self and my family with people like them and my team! Love my IsaLife!
Some of My Team and Jim Rhoades, Former CEO of Nutritional Company, 
Currently an Isagenix Millionaire
Some of My enrolled Team and Jill Birth, IsaBody Grand Champion in 2011
Some Of My AWESOME Team!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

My New Workout Buddy!

I told you all about my Friend I convinced to let me train her? Well we went to the gym this morning and I took a picture of us working out! It's pretty goofy but we had fun! I'm so glad I have her to help keep me motivated and encourage me and allow me to train her as well! I'm so glad I get to go to the gym with my business partner and friend! Who gets to do that? Make money while we work out and eat healthy all day!? I Love my IsaLife!!!! 

 We are Buff! Lol

Week 7 Results!

 So here is my week 7 Results! I have to say though, that I don't see a whole lot of improvment. I was bad and ate out for my Anniversary, had popcorn at the movie, and my sons Football banquet, so I think that may have done it for me! Oh well, at least I'm being honest with myself and my followers right? :) I have been back on my Cleanse and Shake, Meal, Shake regimin since Sunday and feeling much better! I was amazed at how crappy I felt eating foods my body hasn't been used to for the past 7 weeks. I was tired and irritable for 3 days. So glad to be back and feeling good and continually working on my goals for my Isabody Challenge!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New Member

My good friend Brittany Watson has agreed to let me train her. Our first day together at the gym was yesterday and it was a blast! I am still waiting for her before photos to post. She is one of my business partners and closest friends. I am so glad to see what we can do together with our body transformations and our lifestyle transformations! It should be a fun expereince and I am looking forward to it!

This is one our photos back when were both not doing anything for our health! This was taken back in 2001 and aren't we beautiful! LOL

At least we can laugh about it now and we are excited about our changes!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Are you Toxic?

Did you know even if your eating clean, your NOT! All our food and water is contaminated with some sort of chemicals. We think just because we are eating vegetables we are safe. Just because we eat lean meat wea re safe. Just because we are drinking tons of water we are safe. WRONG! There are pestisides and herbicides on all our fruits and vegetables. There are 700 chemicals in the water we drink. There are growth hormones and antibiotics that affect all out meat sources. So if you think your clean, think again. That's why it is so important to CLEANSE your body! Not a traditional cleanse, like kidney clenase, or liver cleanse or a cleanse that keeps you near a bathroom 24/7. But a TOTAL BODY CLEANSE! One you take everyday that cleanses the crap out of our bodies that we get from eating clean. Or not clean. We eat alot of processed fatty foods too! Our bodies have fat that holds on to all these toxins in our bodies. Our Liver tries to clean the toxins but its always on overloand so it can't get to its second main job. And that is to metabolize stored fat. If we cleanse the body of toxins then our liver doesn't always have to be doing it for us 24/7. It can finally start metabolizing our stored fat! Novel Concept right? That's why I love IsAgenix so much because it does just that! NO going to the bathroom all day long. You actually rid toxins through your urin. Sound gross? It's pretty cool I think! Not only is this Cleanse amazing at what it can do for your body, if you add the IsaLean shakes to your regimin that is pure High Grade Nutrition, your body is now creating an environment that it can start to heal itself! Our bodies are amazing creations. They were made to be able to heal itself as long as it is healthy and can function without all the garbage we now put into and are subjected to in our environment. Your body will literally melt the stubborn fat you have not been able to lose! Once you give your body what it NEEDS it can affect people in all different ways depending on what your body is lacking. IsAgenix won't heal you, it is simply the missing link between you and your absolute best Healthy Self! It will help you create that self healing environment! IsAgenix is simply the one thing your body needs everyday! I am afirm believer in this product and have seen what it can do and has done for my friends and family and people I have met along the way.

 Check it out at or email me for more info at You won't regret it and if you don't truly love it, you can send it back for a full refund, but you won't!!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

4 Wonderful Years!

I have been married to this man for 4 wonderful years! He is the love of my life and I could never live without him! He completes my life, picks up where I leave off, is strong where I am weak, loves me and the kids unconditionally and works so hard for us all! He supports me and loves me no matter how I look or my moods! He is truly a gift from above to me! I am looking forward to working with him everyday as he is my new business partner in IsAgenix! I wouldn't want it any other way! I love you so much Honey and I am looking forward to our success together and reaching our goals together!


My IsaLife!